A study on early writings of Ismailis is pivotal for two reasons: first it would
lead us to understand the Ismaili epistemology and ontology in early days and second it
would provide us with the reasons of generating the theological works in later Ismailis.
Taking descriptive analytical approach, this research approves that early Ismaili works with
the theme of Gnostic cosmology were soon transformed to some legislative works aiming
Fatimid legitimacy in the mid third century A.H. This was by the means of ta’wil or
exegesis in Ismaili eschatology and their view of cyclical system in history. In the mid
fourth century along with the stability of Fatimid administrative power, the Ismaili works
show sort of moderation in implementing ta’wil but taking more rational approach instead.
This improvement contributed to the Fatimid cultural- sociological development as well as
generating invaluable theological works.
Keybakhi B, Janahmadi F. A critical study on early Ismaili resources (from mid second century to mid fourth AH). مطالعات تاریخ اسلام 2016; 7 (27) :30-56 URL: http://journal.pte.ac.ir/article-1-79-en.html