Tarbiat Modares University , Jneyestani@modares.ac.ir
Abstract: (2856 Views)
The eastern regions of Gilan are among the first areas where Shi'a religion was prevalent. In a number of religious monuments (boghe) of these areas, a painting on the plaster is available includes a description of the suffering of Imam Hussein (as) and his companions on Ashura day, the Mi'raj of Prophet with Donating a ring to a lion (the right of succession to Imam Ali (as)), Ali (as) is fighting the dragon, Imam Reza (AS) as the guarantor deer, Imam Kazim (AS) in the Harun Prison and....The dates available in some of these works indicate their belonging to the Qajar period. But it seems that the Appearance of the boghe wall paintings is related to the Safavid period and simultaneously with the spread of Shiite religion.
In the present research, we seek to answer these questions: boghe wall paintings have been created to meet the needs of the community? What is the dispersion of boghe in different regions of Guilan? The purpose of this research is to identify the various aspects of Shi'a beliefs on the boghe wall paintings.
raof S, neyestani J, mousavi S M. Shiite art in the religious monuments (boghe) of Gilan emphasizing the approach of cultural history studies. مطالعات تاریخ اسلام 2019; 11 (43) :81-108 URL: http://journal.pte.ac.ir/article-1-554-en.html