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:: Volume 12, Issue 44 (HISTORICAL STUDIES OF ISLAM , 2020) ::
مطالعات تاریخ اسلام 2020, 12(44): 11-32 Back to browse issues page
The heritage of Shi'a civilization in Aleppo of the fourth and fifth centuries
Seysd ahmad reza Khezri * , Seysd mohammad mahdi Mousavi
, akhezri@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2089 Views)
In 333, Aleppo became the center of Shiite Hamdani rule by Saif al-Dawlah. The activity of this government in various dimensions has led to the proliferation of Shiites in this city. After the Hamdanids, the Mardasid Shiite dynasty ruled in this city. One of the dimensions of Shiite government and population in this city was civilization activities. The works of civilization created by the two Shiite governments Hamdanid and Mardasid and Shiite population of Aleppo, were such as: the development of economic activities and coinage, activities and development of architecture and urbanization, the maintenance and rehabilitation of the castle of the city, the construction and development of the site ¬ Shiite symbols. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical method to explore the civilization and the effects of the remaining Shiite civilization in the city of Aleppo in the fourth and fifth centuries, using the sources of this period.
Keywords: Shiite, civilization, economic activity, coinage, architecture and urbanization, library, castle, Shiite shrines
Full-Text [PDF 406 kb]   (672 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Islamic History
Received: 2018/05/31 | Revised: 2020/09/23 | Accepted: 2018/10/16 | ePublished ahead of print: 2019/10/1 | Published: 2020/06/20 | ePublished: 2020/06/20
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khezri S A R, mousavi S M M. The heritage of Shi'a civilization in Aleppo of the fourth and fifth centuries. مطالعات تاریخ اسلام 2020; 12 (44) :11-32
URL: http://journal.pte.ac.ir/article-1-404-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 44 (HISTORICAL STUDIES OF ISLAM , 2020) Back to browse issues page
پژوهشكده تاريخ اسلام، فصلنامه مطالعات تاریخ اسلام A Quarterly Journal of Historical Studies of Islam
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