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:: Volume 15, Issue 58 (HISTORICAL STUDIES OF ISLAM , 2023) ::
مطالعات تاریخ اسلام 2023, 15(58): 83-111 Back to browse issues page
The Role of Pashalik of Baghdad and Baban Emirate in Iran-Ottoman Relations (1236-1266 AH/1821-1847 AD)
Nasroallah Salehi *
Associate Professor of History, Farhangian University , salehi.nasr@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1176 Views)
The role and status of the Pashalik of Baghdad and the Baban Emirate in Iran-Ottoman relations has been mostly neglected. The Ottoman government established the Pashalik of Baghdad sometime after the Treaty of Zuhab (1049 AH/1639 AD). Baban Emirate had relative independence in the Kurdish regions of northern Iraq. For 214 years, from the Treaty of Zuhab to the Second Treaty of Erzurum (1263 AH/1847 AD), Iranian government faced three centers of power: İstanbul, Baghdad and Baban. During these two centuries, the western territory of Iran was exposed to various threats. In the present research, based on Iranian and Ottoman sources, and using the data-mining method and analytical-critical approach, the role and status of the Pashalik of Baghdad and the Baban Emirate in Iran-Ottoman relations has been elaborated. The findings of the research show that when Sultan Mahmud II came to power, a series of reforms began in the Ottoman government, which gradually led to the revival and increase of the influence and power of the Ottoman central government over its eastern provinces. By changing the power structure in Baghdad, the ground was paved for dismantling of Baban's Emirate. With Baghdad's victory over Baban, Iranian-Ottoman relations entered a new phase.
Keywords: Iran, Ottoman, Pashalik of Baghdad, Baban Emirate, Fath Ali-Shah, Mahmoud II.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Islamic History
Received: 2023/09/29 | Revised: 2024/01/23 | Accepted: 2023/12/1 | Published: 2023/10/2 | ePublished: 2023/10/2
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Salehi N. The Role of Pashalik of Baghdad and Baban Emirate in Iran-Ottoman Relations (1236-1266 AH/1821-1847 AD). مطالعات تاریخ اسلام 2023; 15 (58) :83-111
URL: http://journal.pte.ac.ir/article-1-1096-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 58 (HISTORICAL STUDIES OF ISLAM , 2023) Back to browse issues page
پژوهشكده تاريخ اسلام، فصلنامه مطالعات تاریخ اسلام A Quarterly Journal of Historical Studies of Islam
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